American Roulette Strategies

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A good strategy to apply on an American Roulette table (or basically any Roulette table) is the so-called Martingale Strategy.

One of the most famous and widely used Roulette strategies – the Martingale system – is a great example of a progressive strategy. Martingale suggests that you double your bet after every loss. This method is popular because it's very straightforward and newbie-friendly.

The most effective way of using the Martingale is to only bet on even-money outside bets – 1-18, 19-36, Red, Black, Even, and Odd. They have the maximum odds of winning (almost 50%), but the lowest payout of all – 1:1.

This means you win the same amount of money you bet for the spin. Overall, those are the safest bets you could possibly place in a game of Roulette.

Neighbors of zero 0 and double zero 00 are are the keystones in this Online American roulette predictive strategy. Numbers 1 red and 27 red around the single zero 0. Diagonally opposing 2 black and 28 black around the double zero 00. What frequently occurs after a couple of closely dropped 0's or 0 with a 00 combo. Is that these four neighbor numbers of the zeros drop within close.


There are two main roulette strategies to avoid: studying for patterns, and the 666 strategy. Studying for Patterns Looking for patterns in roulette is useless as all online casinos use random. Progressive strategies are created around the concept of increasing the size of your bet after witnessing the outcome of a round.One of the most famous and widely used roulette strategies – the Martingale system – is a great example of a progressive strategy. Martingale suggests that.

For even-money bets, the bet progression that you will use goes like this:
1 – 2 – 4 – 8 – 16 – 32 – 64 – 128 – 256 – 512 – 1024 – 2048 – 4096 – 8192

You start with a small amount, preferably the table minimum, and keep betting the same until you lose. When this occurs, double the size of your bet for the next spin. This way, in case you win, you will recover the money you lost on the previous round, and win something extra. If you keep on losing, keep on doubling your bet – the logic stays the same. As soon as you win, you should restart and bet the smallest amount for the next spin.

If you like to play with this strategy, it's essential that you play on a Roulette table without table limits! Most Casinos or Gambling platforms have minimum and maximum table limits. A great exception is
They don't have any (!) table limits, and therefore SharkRoulette is a great choice to play and win with the Martingale system!

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Spin and win slot machine. American Roulette

We love the American Roulette game. Exciting, heart racing but more than that, it can be really lucrative. Contrary to popular belief, American Roulette played 'online' is actually a better game, than European Roulette. We all know about the higher casino house edge advantage probability factor. But lets for a moment view this from another perspective, one more slot on the wheel is not going to disadvantage you tremendously.

With one exception, that is American roulette even money progression betting. Fairly obvious if your roulette strategy is betting colors for instance, as there are now two green colors rather than just one. But this has hardly any consequence, if your strategy in American roulette is based on inside betting strategies.

Using techniques to identify roulette number trends, virtual wheel biased sectors or one of the commonly observed number pattern prediction systems. That's where your web site rarityfouroulette.comlikes to burst the European roulette followers bubble, that many roulette site strategists live in. While wefouroulettedispel the American roulette myth. Ranting over for now people, lets look at the strategy, the nuts and bolts behind playing online American roulette over European.


There are two main roulette strategies to avoid: studying for patterns, and the 666 strategy. Studying for Patterns Looking for patterns in roulette is useless as all online casinos use random. Progressive strategies are created around the concept of increasing the size of your bet after witnessing the outcome of a round.One of the most famous and widely used roulette strategies – the Martingale system – is a great example of a progressive strategy. Martingale suggests that.

For even-money bets, the bet progression that you will use goes like this:
1 – 2 – 4 – 8 – 16 – 32 – 64 – 128 – 256 – 512 – 1024 – 2048 – 4096 – 8192

You start with a small amount, preferably the table minimum, and keep betting the same until you lose. When this occurs, double the size of your bet for the next spin. This way, in case you win, you will recover the money you lost on the previous round, and win something extra. If you keep on losing, keep on doubling your bet – the logic stays the same. As soon as you win, you should restart and bet the smallest amount for the next spin.

If you like to play with this strategy, it's essential that you play on a Roulette table without table limits! Most Casinos or Gambling platforms have minimum and maximum table limits. A great exception is
They don't have any (!) table limits, and therefore SharkRoulette is a great choice to play and win with the Martingale system!

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Spin and win slot machine. American Roulette

We love the American Roulette game. Exciting, heart racing but more than that, it can be really lucrative. Contrary to popular belief, American Roulette played 'online' is actually a better game, than European Roulette. We all know about the higher casino house edge advantage probability factor. But lets for a moment view this from another perspective, one more slot on the wheel is not going to disadvantage you tremendously.

With one exception, that is American roulette even money progression betting. Fairly obvious if your roulette strategy is betting colors for instance, as there are now two green colors rather than just one. But this has hardly any consequence, if your strategy in American roulette is based on inside betting strategies.

Using techniques to identify roulette number trends, virtual wheel biased sectors or one of the commonly observed number pattern prediction systems. That's where your web site rarityfouroulette.comlikes to burst the European roulette followers bubble, that many roulette site strategists live in. While wefouroulettedispel the American roulette myth. Ranting over for now people, lets look at the strategy, the nuts and bolts behind playing online American roulette over European.

Neighbors of zero0and double zero00are are the keystones in this Online American roulette predictive strategy.

Numbers1redand27 redaround the singlezero0.

Diagonally opposing2black and28 blackaround the doublezero00.

What frequently occurs after a couple of closely dropped0's or0with a00combo. Is that these four neighbor numbers of the zeros drop within close succession of each other. Then keep dropping two of the four numbers another five to even 8 times. Over a spin span of 15 even up to possibly 20 spins normally is observed.

Wait for one of the four numbers to fall before betting all four neighbors. Online American roulette is beautiful game, for this betting strategy only. This is why we love it so much. Remember this is not a double 3 piece neighbor bet strategy. You don't bet the0and00. Just the four neighbor numbers only.

American Roulette Strategy 10 Numbers

Play online American roulette with the same confidence as its European cousin?Why would we question this your wondering. Well almost all roulette strategy websites tell you not too play American roulette. We on the other hand we are telling you its really OK. Yes the difference between the casino house edge probability is an undeniable fact in mathematical probabilities .

  • American Roulette5.26% house edge you lose 5 and a bit cents off each dollar bet each spin
  • European Roulette 2.70% house edge you lose just under 3 cents off every dollar bet on each spin

American Roulette Strategies

The reason being we say its OK is our strategy is based on observing number patterns. So all we are saying is there is no need to get hung up on the casino house edge in American roulette if you follow our strategy. Golden tiger slot. A more exciting game we think, to play anyway.

American roulette wheel numbers sequence clockwise from zero.

028 9 26 30 11 7 20 32 17 5 22 34 15 3 2436 13 1002710252912 8193118 6213316 4233514 2

Roulette Strategies Pdf

'a bit more American roulette prediction, lengthily observed, repeating number patterns coming soon, stay tuned'.

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